Zprávy ze světa - rok 2013

XII 2013
USA: So, Who Did Discover America?

31. 12. 2013
Francie: Massacre in the well – a 1200 year old murder mystery
Izrael: Ancient Hebrew inscription refers to lousy wine
Izrael: Research reveals 2,000 year old fabrics from Israel dyed with extract from Murex snail
Mexiko: Mexico subway dig turns up unusual Aztec offering
Čína: 3,000-year-old tombs bear secrets of Zeng State

30. 12. 2013
Anglie: 2,000 year old settlement found in East Hampshire
Polsko: Early medieval burials and Bronze Age barrows found in Poland
Polsko: Scholars study handwritten notes - probably by Copernicus
Německo: Scientists draw up definitive list of genes that make us human
Turecko: Hellenistic tombs to be buried under road
Turecko: Roman sarcophagi found at construction site
Tibet: Tibet sets up institute to preserve ancient scriptures
Pákistán: Pakistan customs officials seize over 1,000 looted artefacts

29. 12. 2013
Anglie: More on Roman child's coffin from Leicestershire
Belgie/Egypt: Bust of a 26th dynasty prince recovered from Brussels
Čína: Centuries Before China's 'Great Wall,' There Was Another

28. 12. 2013
Portugalsko: Portuguese Plumbers Discover Ancient Mikvahs
Izrael: New Early Human Site Discovered in Israel

27. 12. 2013
Sibiř: Bronze Age necropolis unearthed in Siberia
Mikronésie: Nan Madol: the Coral Reef City
USA: Civil War ship found at bottom of Houston Ship Channel yields trove of artifacts
Kongo: Angola seeks world heritage status for Mbanza Kongo

26. 12. 2013
Itálie: Significance of sun alignment with two roman monuments
Egypt: An unidentified royal statue head found in Luxor
Arménie: Summing up Armenia's archeological finds from 2013
Austrálie: An Ancient Site in Australia's Outback

25. 12. 2013
Anglie: Sweyn Forkbeard: England's forgotten Viking king
Irsko: Archaeological Discoveries by LIARI
Baskicko (Španělsko): Thousand-year-old vineyards discovered in Alava
Pákistán: Disease and trauma within collapsing Indus Civilisation
Mexiko: Diabetes risk gene 'from Neanderthals'
Mexiko: Mexican archaeologists explore ancient ceremonial center in the State of Jalisco
Amerika: 8 very old sites in the New World

24. 12. 2013
Irsko: Archaeological find shines light on ancient religious rituals
Polsko: Early medieval strongholds in central Poland / Grody wczesnośredniowieczne w Polsce centralnej
Itálie: Saving the Colosseum: Restoration work begins on Rome's crumbling ancient monument
Řecko: Some ancient sling bullets excavated from the city of Athens, Greece were inscribed with the word ‟δέξαι” (dexai), which translates to ‟catch!”…
Izrael: Wall painting by Ottoman officer found in Haifa
Indonésie: Indonesia cave reveals history of ancient tsunamis

23. 12. 2013
Římská říše: Roman 'Christmases' were similar to ours
Itálie: Italy signs Pompeii protocol on UNESCO standards
Peru: Archaeologists Uncover 16-Meter Long Inca Canal Outside Cusco
USA: Prehistoric burial site on safer ground now
Tanzánie: Walking the Walk: What Sharks, Honeybees and Humans Have in Common

22. 12. 2013
Anglie: The hermit in the garden
Indie: Search for the relics of martyr Queen Ketevan
USA: Ancient Ohio cultures were devoted to sun and moon
USA: The Archaeology of Beer

21. 12. 2013
Rakousko: Ochre hand imprint of Homo Erectus revealed
Kambodža: Momentum gains to unite ancient Cambodian statues

20. 12. 2013
Itálie/USA: Virtual archaeologist turns clock back to uncover secrets of ancient Rome
Německo: Fusion der Altertumswissenschaften an der Uni Mainz
Německo: Betreibervertrag für das Freilichtmuseum Heuneburg unterzeichnet
Německo: Online-Datenbank für Sprache und Schrift der Maya-Kultur
Německo: Knoten im Stammbaum
Egypt: Statues discovered at ancient Hermonthis in Egypt
Egypt: Start für deutsch-ägyptischen Masterstudiengang zum Kulturgüter-Management
Peru: Ancient cranial surgery / A study of Peruvian trepanation in 1000 year old skulls
Vietnam: 6,000-year-old tombs unearthed in northeast Vietnam

19. 12. 2013
Británie: Resolving the Human Remains Crisis in British Archaeology: The Counter Argument
Anglie/Rusko: Analýza DNA pravěkých lidí odhalila incestní vztahy i mezidruhové křížení / Interbreeding and inbreeding in early populations
Řecko: Ruins of Zakynthos are a natural phenomenon
USA: Ancient Roman Metal Used for Physics Experiments Ignites Science Feud
USA: Virtual archaeologist at IU turns clock back millennia to uncover secrets of ancient Rome

18. 12. 2013
Velká Británie: The world’s first detailed prehistoric maps of Britain
Anglie: Resolving the Human Remains Crisis in British Archaeology: The Counter Argument
Anglie: Restoration work begins on Hadrian's Wall temple treasure
Belgie: Famous medieval bridge in Belgium under threat from canal project
Francie: Carolingian-era mass grave discovered in France
Německo: High-quality Neandertal genome provides novel insights into human origins

17. 12. 2013
Francie: Neanderthals buried their dead in Western Europe
Anglie: Signs of sailors: Ship graffiti in medieval churches
Skotsko: Storms could reveal new sites in Scotland
Turecko: Hekatomnos tomb awaiting permanent UNESCO status
Egypt: New theory turns pyramid building on its head
Egypt: Inscriptions Everywhere! Magical Medieval Crypt Holds 7 Male Mummies
Egypt: Egypt’s heritage in danger
Súdán: Medieval Christian crypt found in Sudan
Čína: New stone armour found in the tomb of China's first emperor
USA: Professor Probes Mental Disorders in the Ancient World / Diagnosing Ancient Mental Illness
USA: A Hidden Treasure Revealed: Rare Tlingit War Helmet Discovered at Springfield Science Museum

16. 12. 2013
Itálie: Fifth-century church in Roman Forum to reopen to public
Anglie: Before Stonehenge - did this man lord it over Wiltshire's sacred landscape?
Anglie: Roman settlement unearthed in Essex
Řecko: Surveying the underwater archaeological site off Methoni, Greece
Polsko: Early medieval finds in the Lublin region
Izrael: No more heroes? Digging deeper into the Masada myth
Keňa: 1.4 million-year-old fossil human hand bone closes human evolution gap / Discovery Pushes Back the Clock on Human Hand Evolution / Ancient hand bone dates origins of human dexterity
Čína: Cats living alongside Chinese farmers 5,300 years ago
Guatemala: Flying above jungle canopy to spot Maya ruins
Mexiko: Research team searches treetops for Maya secrets
USA: Ancient Feces From Oregon Cave Aren’t Human, Study Says, Adding to Debate on First Americans
USA: Metal detectorist finds possible Native American burial site / Amateur archaeologist in Wetumpka finds possible Native American burial site
Havaj: Chad Blair: Ancient Hawaii, Cradle of Civilization?

15. 12. 2013
Anglie: 6,000-year-old vegetation found

14. 12. 2013
Rumunsko: Romania suspends Dacian fortresses project
Sýrie: Zmizelý konkurent Egypta
Mexiko: Saving the murals of El Tajin
USA: Archaeologists return to controversial Vero site in Florida

13. 12. 2013
Austrálie: Cannon found on NT beach 250 years old
Německo: Potsdam: Römische Funde aus einem germanischen Dorf
Německo: Neutronenaktivierungsanalyse liefert charakteristischen chemischen Fingerabdruck von Gesteinsmaterial aus römischer Zeit
Anglie: Stonehenge unveils its £27m makeover in time for the winter solstice
Španělsko: Spanish hotel built on 15th century synagogue
Itálie: Ancient Pig-Shaped Baby Bottle Found
Sýrie: UNESCO sounds alarm about illicit digs in Syria
Jordánsko: Chasing 5th-Century Clues From a Woman’s Tombstone
Izrael: Chasing 5th-Century Clues From a Woman’s Tombstone
Kambodža: Disputed Statue to Be Returned to Cambodia
Vietnam: Thang Long citadel needs excavations
Velikonoční ostrovy: New evidence challenges theories of Easter Island collapse

12. 12. 2013
Slovensko: Fotogaléria: Takto bývali naši predkovia. V Michalovciach vyrástla polozemnica!
Norsko: How archaeology helps wild reindeer
Wales: Wars of the Roses bodies found in hotel grounds near Harlech Castle
Anglie: Archaeologists uncover layers of history at Stratford Broadway
Itálie: Mass Grave Shows Evidence of Ancient Cholera Outbreak
Turecko: Leopard Fresco Found in Turkey’s Ancient City of Tripolis
Ekvádor: Ecuadorian artifacts returned
Džibutsko: 4.4 million year old horse helps understand hominin habitat

11. 12. 2013
Egypt: Two Ptolomaic tombs uncovered in Al-Qantara East / Two Ptolomaic tombs uncovered in Ismailiya
Španělsko: Archaeology vs. Physics: Conflicting roles for old lead
USA/Francie: Native American masks sold in Paris to be returned to tribes

10. 12. 2013
Slovensko: Vedci objavili zaniknuté stredoveké dediny na Spiši i mohyly na Považí
Anglie: Revealed: how prehistoric 'des res' gave Stone Age Brits a perfect diet / Nutrients vital to location of early human settlements / Early humans selected habitats based on nutrient rich food sources
Kypr: Cyprus was very much a part of Neolithic revolution
Německo: Bavorská univerzita objevila na lidské kůži prastaré mikroorganismy
Rusko: Couples still holding each other in loving embrace after 3,500 years
Egypt: 1,000 years of history to be digitised following unique appeal
Čína: Ancient dragon kiln unearthed in China
Čína: Terracotta Warriors Inspired by Ancient Greek Art

9. 12. 2013
Itálie: Ötzi, the Iceman
Polsko: Archaeologists discovered 17th century water collection systems on the Holy Cross Mountain
Egypt: FOTO, ktoré vás dostane: Takto vyzeral steak pred 3000 rokmi
Mexiko: New mysteries of Olmecs: Basalt disk
USA: Oldest Human Footprints in North America Identified
USA: Early Jamestown Settlers Reverted to Older Style Technology to Survive

8. 12. 2013
Anglie: Online in 3D: the 'grotesque beauty' of medieval Britons' diseased bones
Dánsko: Gold of the Fimble Winter
Itálie: What the Romans Used for Toilet Paper
Bulharsko: Bulgarian police bust group raiding Thracian tombs
USA: There’s a 1,200-year-old Phone in the Smithsonian Collections
Izrael: Remains of a 900 Year Old Estate discovered by archaeologists
Egypt: Priceless missing statuette of Tutankhamun's sister found
Peru: Archaeologists Find Grave of Elite ‘Musician’ from the Chimu Culture

7. 12. 2013
10 rarely known “Pyramids” across the world
Mexiko: Chilli pepper residue detected in Maya preclassic pots
Kolumbie: Whose statues?
Peru: Chimu-Incan Treasure Trove Found in Peru Contains Sacrificed Women

6. 12. 2013
Anglie: Neolithic wooden tridents - mystery artefacts
Skotsko: Five year plan for future of Antonine Wall launched
Srbsko: Serbian Archaeologist Finds 4,000-Year-Old Chariot
Německo: Funde im Fürstinnengrab von Bettelbühl präsentiert
Německo: Frühmittelalterliche Schwerter im Computertomographen
Německo: Das Dorf Wewer gibt Blick auf Kapitel seiner Frühzeit frei
Německo: 6.000 Jahre altes Feuersteinbergwerk im Mansfelder Land entdeckt
Německo: Goldtäfelchen kehrt ins Vorderasiatische Museum Berlin zurück
Čína: The Well-Dressed Dead
Austrálie: Bead currency used in Australia's first export industry
USA: Have We Found the Lost Colony of Roanoke Island?

5. 12. 2013
Německo: mtDNA from 400,000 year old hominin: a great leap forward
Řecko: The Acropolis of Athens reconstructed in 3D
Anglei: Roman Jupiter donated to Cambridge museum
Anglie: Ancient skeleton found in North Yorkshire sewer trench
Norsko: Isotope analysis reveals diet of beheaded Viking slaves / Double graves with headless slaves
Španělsko: Bronze age quarry found in southern Spain
Egypt: Ancient Dogs Found Buried in Pots in Egypt
Peru: Tomb of elite Chimu musician discovered in Peru
Bangladéš: Kalashkathi temples falling apart for want of attention
Tanzánie: Robust 1.34 million year old tree climbing ancestor / Discovery of Partial Skeleton Suggests Ruggedly Built, Tree-Climbing Human Ancestor

4. 12. 2013
Řecko: Excavations of the Paphos Agora Project 2013
Španělsko: Roman sculpture found in Antequera, Spain
Polsko: Fragments of 13th century church discovered in Kamień Pomorski
Dánsko: New atom accelerator at Aarhus University
Německo: Virtual Destruction: Film Recreates Siege of Heidelberg Castle
Německo/USA: 3,200-Year-Old Gold Artifact Transferred From L.I. Estate To German Museum
Egypt: Russian tourists detained for filming Pyramids area
Egypt: Mummy Mystery: Multiple Tombs Hidden in Egypt's Valley of Kings
Egypt/Francie: France returns stolen antiques to Egypt
Čína: Neolithic settlement found in E. China
USA: Digging Up George Washington's Pre-Revolutionary War Kitchen

3. 12. 2013
Anglie/Severní Irsko: New radiocarbon dating calibration curve developed / IntCal13 and Marine13 Radiocarbon Age Calibration Curves 0–50,000 Years cal BP
Anglie/Vatikán: Rare Byzantine manuscripts digitized
Izrael: Senzace! V Akku nalezena stříbrná mince českého krále Přemysla Otakara II. / V Izraeli našli vzácnou středověkou minci s podobiznou českého krále / V Izraeli našli pravděpodobně nejstarší českou královskou minci, asi z poloviny 13. století / Oldest reference to Bohemian king found in Acre
Izrael: First: Hasmonean Building Uncovered in the City of David / A Building Dating to​ the Hasmonean Perio​d Discovered in ​Jerusalem​
Izrael: Antiquities dealer sues Israel for $3 million
Wales: 30,000 sites in Wales at risk from climate change
Německo: 6.000 Jahre altes Feuersteinbergwerk entdeckt
Itálie: Rock shelter evidence shows Neanderthals organised their living spaces
Čína: 9000 year old music and alcohol - a powerful mix

2. 12. 2013
EU: Europa Nostra marks 50 years of saving heritage
Irsko: 10,000-year-old settlement unearthed in SW Ireland
Itálie: Rome accused of fiddling as Pompeii crumbles / Another wall crumbles in Pompeii after heavy rains
Itálie: 'Secret' Labyrinth of Roman Tunnels Mapped
Rumunsko: Romania shelves plans for exploitation of heritage mining site
Egypt: A limestone relief found beneath a residential area in Al-Qantara East
Egypt: Man loots ancient cemetery under his house
USA: Plains Indian Fortress With Moat, ‘Underground Apartments’ Unearthed in Oklahoma
USA: Mercyhurst to excavate pivotal Ice Age site in Vero Beach
Japonsko: Tokyo team recreates original colours of Nara’s 'hidden' statue using CG
Čína: Skull find shows women were sacrificed in neolithic China / Shaanxi skull find shows women were sacrificed in ancient China

1. 12. 2013
Indie: Restoring the mausoleum that helped inspire the Taj Mahal
USA: Archaeologists discover slave artifacts where Ga. highway project will cross plantation site
USA: Researchers call for debate on underwater cultural heritage

30. 11. 2013
Svalbard (Norsko): Pyramidy za polárním kruhem
Guatemala: Guatemala Recovers Mayan Artifact Dating from 250-900 A.D. from U.S.
USA: Oldest Spanish Mission found in San Antonio

29. 11. 2013
Polsko: 2000 year old iron furnaces found in Poland
Anglie: Mass grave found at Durham excavations / Remains of 18 people found on dig medieval dig in Durham
Wales: Medieval wall paintings uncovered in Welsh church / Welsh church uncovers stunning medieval wall paintings
Německo: Winterpause für die Grabungen im künftigen Römerpark Aliso
Nigérie/Německo: Den Künstlern auf der Spur – Archäologische Erforschung der Nok-Kultur
Turecko: Excavations in Kültepe end with new findings
Argentina: World's oldest prehistoric toilet unearthed in Argentina
Peru: Peru: Wissenschaftler erforschen Machu Picchu mit 3D-Scan-Verfahren
USA: Controversy over the use of Roman ingots to investigate dark matter and neutrinos
Čína: Chinese archaeologists uncover 4,000-year-old fortifications

28. 11. 2013
Německo: Germanische Besiedlung in Unna früher als vermutet
Itálie: Italy's rich heritage treated like a poor relation
Vatikán: Visit the Vatican’s ancient catacombs with Google Maps tour
Peru: Archaeologists discover Chachapoyas sarcophagi in Amazonas, Peru
Mexiko: Proto-agricultural activity by hunter gatherers found in rock shelter

27. 11. 2013
Itálie: Discover the “Brazen Bull,” the Ancient Greek Torture Machine That Doubled as a Musical Instrument
Anglie: Archaeological dig near Stonehenge uncovers sink hole of evidence from Neolithic period / Archaeologists Map Neolithic Monument Complex at Damerham, near Stonehenge
Wales: Cardiff Castle Moat Excavated
Normanské ostrovy: Jersey States pay to keep coin hoard on island
Čína: Abandoned Ancient Road Pathway to China's History

26. 11. 2013
Kypr: Basilica excavation
Turecko: Birthplace of religion Göbeklitepe aims for more recognition
Turecko: Byzantine graves unearthed in Safranbolu
Turecko: Byzantine monastery to be converted into mosque
Bulharsko: Late Roman magistrate statue found in Bulgaria / Fourth-century CE magistrate statue uncovered in Bulgaria’s Plovdiv
Papua Nová Guinea: Phallic obsidian cache intrigues archaeologists
Čína: Archaeologists strip mummies to save ancient clothing in China
Anglie: A robot turtle will help underwater archaeologists to inspect shipwrecks

25. 11. 2013
Nepál: Shrine in Nepal reveals archaeological evidence of the founding of Buddhism / New Clues May Change Buddha’s Date of Birth / V Nepále objavili najstarší buddhistický chrám / Archaeologists Discover Earliest Buddhist Shrine / Archaeologists Uncover Earliest Evidence of Birth of Buddha
Izrael: Massive archaeological dig along Highway 38 reveals findings from 10,000 years ago / 10,000-year-old house uncovered outside Jerusalem / 10,000 year old house and evidence of cultic temple in Judean foothills
Egypt: Penalties imposed on two amateur German archaeologists / Egyptian archaoelogists refute claims by German amateurs on Great Pyramid / Playing with Egypt’s heritage
Irsko: World’s oldest bog body was Irish high king killed due to crop failure
Polsko: Two thousand years old ironworks village studied in Kanie

24. 11. 2013|
Anglie: Iron age hill fort threatened by plans to build 200 luxury homes
Anglie/Irák: The Mystery of the Hanging Garden of Babylon
Egypt: 4 mummies found in Aswan after attempted robbery
Španělsko: Cannibal Neanderthal gang in northern Spain ate 12 of their neighbours raw, scientists say
USA: Ancient artifacts unearthed in Muskrat Falls development. Innu arrowheads, spears date back 3,000 years

23. 11. 2013
Slovensko: Archeológovia objavili významné hradisko, lokalitu taja
Španělsko: Neolithic death ritual includes earliest evidence for European beer
Švédsko: Treasure trove reveals Iron Age town
Anglie: Prehistoric finds revealed by Sussex dig
Polsko: Bogowie przyszli z Iranu? W poszukiwaniu zaginionej mitologii Słowian

22. 11. 2013
Izrael: Digging this summer at the ruins of a 1700 B.C. Canaanite palace in northern Israel, archaeologists struck wine / Archaeologists Uncover One of Civilization's Oldest Wine Cellars / Canaanite cellar provides a taste of 3700 year old wine / Archaeologists discover largest, oldest palatial wine cellar
Anglie: Gambling of high-living Anglo-Saxons revealed by archaeological find
Dánsko: DNA links Native Americans with Europeans
Švédsko: Swedish woman finds 2,000-year-old gold ring
Německo: Eine der größten frühmittelalterlichen Siedlungen Deutschlands
Lichtenštejnsko: Ein 3000 Jahre alter Kultplatz?
Rusko: Could this be the world's oldest pocket calendar? Engraved tusk would have told farmers when to harvest crops up to 8,000 years ago
Mexiko: Dedication to Lord of Death found at Tehuacan

21. 11. 2013
Arménie: 1,500 year old cemetery excavated in in Armenia
Čína: Rare treasures unearthed from imperial Chinese tombs
Kanada: Uncovering Innu history

20. 11. 2013
Anglie: Ancient Glass illuminates ancient societies
Anglie: Emperor Hadrian's virtual villa to be unveiled Friday
Francie: Megalithic pillar statue found in southern France
Sibiř: Skeleton In Siberia Raises New Questions About First Americans / Siberia and America connected by 24,000 year old Mal’ta boy / První indiáni měli evropské kořeny
Španělsko: 6,400 year-old burials found in Spanish cave
Itálie: Evidence of female priesthood in early Christianity
Izrael: Archaeologists Find Shiloh Altar Used During Temple Era
Uruguay: Were People Killing Giant Sloths in South America 30,000 Years Ago?
USA: Američtí potápěči vylovili trosky pancéřované lodi z občanské války

19. 11. 2013
Jihoafrická republika: Fossil Fragments of Unknown Early Human Come Together
Anglie: Mystery humans spiced up ancients’ rampant sex lives / Sexuální kontakty našich předků byly pestřejší, než se zprvu zdálo
Anglie: Another piece in Stonehenge rock source puzzle / Archaeologists looking for Stonehenge origins 'are digging in wrong place'
Francie: Neanderthal String Theory
Itálie: The Discovery of a Roman Girl in the 15th century
Švédsko: Stockholm dig unearths 16th century kitchen
Peru: Farmers Invade Luya Archaeological Site in Northern Peru
Peru: New Clues About Human Sacrifices at Ancient Peruvian Temple
Turecko: Palace from Hittite era discovered in Sivas
USA: Evidence of Ancient Human History Encoded in Music's Complex Patterns

18. 11. 2013
Řecko: The Parthenon Like You ‘ve Never Seen it Before!
Řecko: New finds at ancient city of Hierapolis
USA: Telling the story of first humans in the Americas
Polsko: Dąbki: where hunters met farmers
Španělsko: New remains of Neanderthals found in the Cova Negra of Xàtiva
Anglie: Archaeologists find holy bones and Saxon coffin in wall niche during Lincoln Castle dig
Anglie: Agriculture, Food and Non-Food Products as Seen Zoo-archaeologically
Anglie: In Middle Ages, Societies Surprisingly Responsive To Natural Disasters
Anglie: More on Stone coffin excavated at Lincoln Castle
Jihoafrická republika: Rising Star cave produces hundreds of hominin fossils
Čína: Explorer plans hunt for Genghis Khan’s long-lost tomb
Turecko: Ancient city discovered by treasure hunters in central Anatolia
Turecko: 'Gate to Hell' Guardians Recovered in Turkey
Itálie/Egypt: Egypt: Italian technology to save Egyptian museum papyri
Kanada: Treasures from sunken HMS Investigator offer glimpse into past

17. 11. 2013
Írán: Archaeologists discover traces of BMAC in northeastern Iran
Německo: Living History in an Early 14th Century Castle
Nizozemsko: Neanderthal stone tools and flakes discovered in Netherlands
Itálie: Pompeji 79: In Asche konservierte Zeitkapseln
Bulharsko: 100+ sites found along Bulgaria's pipeline route
Turecko: Archaeologists Find More Than 600 Ancient Seals And Amulets In Turkey
USA: In Florida, a spring cleanup yields cornucopia of history

16. 11. 2013
Turecko: Roman-era theatre to open to public soon
Izrael: Ancient City Discovered Beneath Biblical-Era Ruins in Israel
Indonésie: Archeologists Thrilled by Temple Find

15. 11. 2013
Franice: Deformed, Pointy Skull from Dark Ages Unearthed in France
Francie: Remains of medieval abbey discovered in Aurillac
Anglie: Twelve burnt mounds and Neolithic paddle found at wetland site
Švédsko: Viking-age 'gold men' unearthed in Sweden
Německo: Spektakuläre Textfunde zu Euripides und Aristoteles
Německo: Miteinander reden: Energiewende fördern und Kulturgüter schützen
Německo: 3D-Laserscanning zur Dokumentation von Denkmälern oder Grabkammern
Německo: Dogs were our companions long before we started farming / Psy sme si zdomácnili skôr, než sa predpokladalo. Ešte predtým, ako sme začali farmárčiť / Europäer sind als Erste auf den Hund gekommen / Pes pochází z Evropy, a ne z Asie, zjistili vědci srovnáním DNA
Egypt: 'Meat Mummies' Kept Egyptian Royalty Well-Fed After Death / Ancient Egyptians Used Organic Compounds to Embalm Meat Mummies
Egypt: Pyramid-Age Love Revealed in Vivid Color in Egyptian Tomb
Peru: Peru’s Warriors of the Clouds
USA: Scientists disagree on age of Serpent Mound / Who built Serpent Mound?
Indie: Indian archaeologists halt treasure search triggered by Hindu holy man
Přední Východ: UNESCO warns of antiquities trade in Arab states / Archeology: UNESCO warns of black market in Arab states

14. 11. 2013
Time travel? Theres is an app for that / Roman Ruins HD
Egypt: New findings at Tuthmosis III Mortuary Temple
Řecko: Roman chamber tomb found in ancient Corinth
Chorvatsko: Remains of 4th century amphitheatre found in Split
Skotsko: Bronze Age graves discovered near Monreith
Finsko: Thousand-year old swordsman rises from the earth
Omán: Talisman inscribed with cuneiform found in Oman
Turecko: Ancient corridor reveals Roman social life traces
Mexiko: Pottery Provides Earliest Evidence of Chili Pepper Use in Mexico
USA: NY court rules ancient gold tablet belongs to Berlin museum, not Holocaust survivor’s heirs

13. 11. 2013|
Pákistán: Light skin gene mirrors socio-cultural boundaries in Indian population
Francie: Metal Detectorists, Archaeologists Work Together at Montpelier
Německo: Rätselhafte Totenrituale der Jungsteinzeit
Egypt: Statues dating back 3,500 years discovered at Egypt temple
Peru: Nazca archaeological sites in danger near Ica, Peru
USA: Research Allows Reconstruction of Pre-colonial Landscape in Eastern U.S.
Vietnam: Thieves break into Tomb of King Tu Duc, taking away valuable antiques

12. 11. 2013
Řecko: Ancient Roman Villa and SPA Discovered by Archaeologists in Greece
Anglie: Two bracelets found in Leicestershire Roman coffin
Itálie: Archaeologists uncover secrets of Portus, once gateway to Rome
Itálie: Ancient naval battle site ‘rammed’ with relics of war
Jihoafrická republika: Multiple Ancient Hominids Found on Day 2 of Rising Star Expedition

11. 11. 2013
Egypt: PODÍVEJTE SE: Jak to vypadá v hrobce faraonova osobního lékaře
Anglie: 'Roman child's coffin' opened for first time
Anglie: SLIDESHOW: Experts unearth treasures of prehistoric Cambridge at Great Kneighton site
Skotsko: WA at the Edinburgh, Lothian and Borders Archaeology Conference
Írán: Archaeologists discover ruins of Elymais temple in southwestern Iran

10. 11. 2013
Skotsko: Viking runestone found on medieval scholar's farmland
Norsko: The Breheimen Bronze Age Bow – 1300 BC
USA: Genetic Study Reveals New Insight into Origins of Our Species
Mexiko: Written on her bones: the life and death of a Mixtec woman

9. 11. 2013
Egypt: Tutankhamun may have spontaneously combusted
Egypt: Egypt deploys armed guards at remote temple sites
Turecko: Early Byzantine graves found in central Turkey
Peru: New Peruvian archaeological finds at Caral, 19 years after its discovery

8. 11. 2013
Řecko: Thessalian lake yields important discoveries
Řecko: Conference focuses on return of Parthenon Sculptures
Polsko: More burials from the 12th - 18th century discovered in the oldest Polish school
Wales: Archaeology app comes to Wales
Německo: Tagung zur Geschichte des Papiers im Mittelalter
Německo: Babylonische Rezepte, Geheimnisse und der Gesang der Wissenschaft
Čína: Origins of cattle farming uncovered in China / Researchers uncover origins of cattle farming in China
Indie: Megalithic burial site found in Palakkad
Indie: A step towards temple conservation in India

7. 11. 2013
Anglie: Pinpointing the timing of sudden climate change
Anglie: English Civil War defences found at Brandon Hill
Itálie: Ancient statue discovered in Bay of Naples
Brazílie: White-lipped peccary trails lead to archeological discovery in Brazil / Conservation experts discover ancient cave art in Brazilian forest

6. 11. 2013
Polsko: Lusatian culture cemetery revealed in Poland
Skotsko: Preparing for death in Bronze Age Galloway
Anglie: Peterborough solar farm: Archaeologists unearth Roman finds
USA: Study Sheds Light on Dawn of Agriculture in Far Northern Climes
Francie: Louvre raises €500,000 to restore Nike of Samothrace
Jihoarfická republika: Excavation of Human Ancestor Fossils Begins in South African Cave
Japonsko: Ancient helmet found in Gunma Pref.
Kanada: Old baseball grandstand found in Victoria Park excavation

5. 11. 2013
Anglie: Listen! Beowulf opening line misinterpreted for 200 years / First line of Beowulf misunderstood for 200 years
Norsko: Unravelling the social hierarchy within Viking society
Polsko: Unearthed: The 2,500-year-old baby grave that still contains a toy rattle made of clay
Egypt: Mummy's Colorful Collar Found in Egyptian Tomb
USA: 13 Ancient Villages Discovered in Wyoming Mountains May Redraw Map of Tribal Migrations
Kolumbie: Municipal Workers Accidentally Stumble Upon Ancient Tomb in Medellin, Colombia

4. 11. 2013
Maroko/Tunisko: The Archaeology of Star Wars
Německo/Švýcarsko: Grammatical structures as a window into the past
Itálie: Pompeii workers say wall of ancient house crumbling
Kypr: The Prastio-Mesorotsos archaeological expedition
Turecko: 4,500 year-old dwelling found in Turkey: It is the biggest building in Anatolia and Middle East ever found
Čína: A Secret to the Building of the Forbidden City Revealed / Ice proved cool way to move stones for Forbidden City
Izrael: Israeli wild boars descendants of pigs brought by Philistines / Genetic Study Proves Israel’s Wild Boars Originated in Europe
Peru: 1,000 Year-Old Dog Skeletons Found in Lima, Peru

3. 11. 2013
Egypt: Stolen Ancient Egyptian shrine recovered
Norsko: Burning rock: Fire setting at the Stone Age Melsvik chert quarries

1. 11. 2013
Francie: Archaeological site revealing 6000 years of occupation
Francie: Resourceful Neanderthals in France
Německo: Frühe Besiedlung des Siegerlandes wohl nur saisonal
Norsko: Norwegian Vikings purchased silk from Persia / Persian silk in Viking burials
Turecko: Restaurierung des Hadrianstempels in Ephesos begonnen
Turecko: Unearthed Hittite artifacts in Istanbul break new ground
Izrael: Grabungen in Jaffa decken frühen Handel mit Zedernholz auf
Bali: Bali Man Finds 2,000-Year-Old Sarcophagus While Planting Coffee
Čína: 8,000-year-old bone flutes unearthed in Henan
USA: Texas A&M Prof Says Discovery Of Alaska Spear Points Raises New Questions About Human Arrival In North America

31. 10. 2013
Anglie: Elongation in Acheulean handaxes: A matter of choice
Anglie: Designer of the Bayeux Tapestry identified
Irsko: Samhain: How Ritual Formed and Formation of Irish Celtic Identity
Maďarsko: Tuberculosis found in 7000 year old bodies
Slovesnko: NITRA: Vatikán môže obdivovať vzácne nálezy z počiatkov kresťanstva na Slovensku
Polsko: Cemetery dating back more than 2500 years studied near Wągrowiec
Peru: Peru: Underwater archaeological dig will investigate Pachacamac site
Peru: Archaeologists discover 3,000-year-old religious center in northern Peru
Irák: The Salty Pots of Ur and the Desalination Station
Írán: Achaemenid site discovered near Persepolis
USA: Did a Mega-Flood Doom Ancient American City of Cahokia?
USA: Dig turns up ancient artifacts at Lake George site

30. 10. 2013
Anglie: Secrets of Brethren uncovered in Reffley Wood in King’s Lynn
Anglie: What Ancient Greek Music Sounded Like: Hear a Reconstruction That is ‘100% Accurate’
Malta: Research into Malta’s prehistoric past
Sýrie: Archeological findings from the Aramaic period uncovered in Sweida
Turecko: Ancient mural may be first picture of volcanic blast
Egypt: Naukratis: Ancient Greeks in Egypt
Indonésie: Researchers trace genes of ancient humans in Flores

29. 10. 2013
Středomoří: Connecting the dots: Harbours and ports of the Roman Empire / Portus Project / Mediterranean Roman ports to be investigated
Anglie: ‘Exceptional’ Roman Eagle Sculpture Discovered In London / Extraordinary Roman sculpture found by archaeologists in London
Itálie: Hi-tech explorers set out to map Ancient Rome's aqueducts / Hi-tech aqueduct explorers map Rome's 'final frontier'
Rakousko: Domplatz St. Pölten: Überreste von 4.000 Menschen untersucht
Čína: 1,500-year-old Roman gold coin unearthed at Chinese tomb
Ekvádor: Drone mapping the pyramids of Zuleta in Ecuador
USA: Mercury contamination legacy of the Californian gold rush
USA: A Motherlode Raised from Blackbeard's Pirate Ship
Peru: Peru: Archaeologists discover relief artwork of man and bird at Huaca Partida

28. 10. 2013
Anglie: Early stone tool making more sophisticated than originally thought
Anglie: Meet Alan Sorrell, a forgotten artist and prophet
Anglie: Amateur archaeologists unearth 700 year old jug
Itálie: Castle restoration reveals Da Vinci mural
Turecko: Digging season ends at ancient city of Zeugma
Tádžikistán: DIRTY SOGDIAN DRAWING (uncensored version NSFW)
Peru: Cleaning Up Ancient Human DNA
Myanmar: Ancient Monastery Buried Beneath Thai King’s Tomb in Mandalay
USA/Egypt: US investigates National Geographic over ‘corrupt payments’ to Egypt's keeper of antiquities

27. 10. 2013
Skotsko: Archaeologists Discover 1,000-year-old Viking 'Parliament' in Scotland
Bulharsko: Bulgaria's Sveshtari Thracian Tomb Celebrated Life

26. 10. 2013
Slovensko: Slovák možno rozlúštil najstarší nápis v hlaholike
Švédsko: Huge ancient monument found in Sweden
Turecko: Aphrodite head found in ancient Hierapolis
Řecko: An erotic epigram on an ostrakon from Rhodes

25. 10. 2013
Wales: Bute Park artefacts could shed light on 16th Century Cardiff / Artefacts shed light on 16th century Cardiff
Německo: Welche Durchschlagskraft hatten römische Feldgeschütze?
Německo: Ein Stück Hellweg unter dem Fußboden
Turecko: More on statue of Cerberus found in Turkey

24. 10. 2013
Anglie: 'Roman child's coffin' found in Leicestershire
Anglie: Archaeologists unearth a 6,500-year-old mystery
Pákistán: Buddhist carvings in Pakistan said to need protection
Indonésie: Denisovan DNA detected in modern humans beyond Wallace’s Line
Peru: Peruvian archaeologists unearth pre-Incan tomb at Lima site / Two mummies found in ancient Peru cemetery / Vědci v Peru našli dvě nepoškozené mumie staré přes tisíc let / Archeologists discover pre-Incan tomb in Peru
Peru: 600-year-old Chimu road destroyed in northern Peru

23. 10. 2013
Izrael: Ancient Magician's Curse Tablet Discovered in Jerusalem
Egypt: Ein Hundeleben im alten Ägypten
Ghana/Anglie: Fabulous figurines reveal secrets of ancient Africa / Fragmentary Ancestors: Figurines from Koma Land, Ghana
Řesko/USA: Crisis comes calling at Ancient Nemea

22. 10. 2013
Egypt: Čeští archeologové našli v Egyptě unikátní hrobku královského lékaře / Ancient Egyptian secret tomb uncovered
Izrael: Dramatic Kinneret Discovery: Climate Crisis Ruined Ancient Empires / Climate and the Late Bronze Collapse in the Southern Levant / Na zánik mnoha říší ve východním Středomoří mělo vliv i sucho / Pollen Study Points to Drought as Culprit in Bronze Age Mystery
Skotsko: Location of Norse parliament in Dingwall 'confirmed'
Řecko: The Ancient Theatre of Sparta in Way of Restoration
Indie: Holy man's dream raises Indian gold treasure hopes
USA: Video: Large Pit House
Mexiko: A glimpse into Mexico's past

21. 10. 2013
Izrael: Preliminary Report on the Results of the 2013 Excavation Season at Tel Kabri / The backwards development of kingship in ancient Canaan. Israeli archaeologists find surprisingly sparse palace at Tel Kabri
Izrael: Legio Excavations Reveal Roman Camp of VIth Ferrata Legion in Judea
Itálie: Oops! Etruscan Warrior Prince Really a Princess
Irák/Polsko: Polish researchers shed new light on the migrations in the history of Mesopotamia
Egypt: The queen and the sculptor. Egyptologist thinks he has found tomb of artist who created famed bust of Nefertiti
Turecko: New project aims to reveal archeology around Black Sea

20. 10. 2013
Slovensko: Nový nález na oltári v Bojnej možno prepíše históriu
USA: Wyoming site reveals more prehistoric mountain villages
Španělsko: The stomach-turning truth about what the Neanderthals ate?
Itálie/Česko: Jihočeští vědci v Itálii zkoumají stravování a návyky Etrusků

19. 10. 2013
Anglie: Project to look at citizen science through the ages
Kanada: Evidence of Viking Outpost Found in Canada

18. 10. 2013
Německo: Reconstruction of ancient Slavic boat in Rügen
Německo: Dendrochronolgy helps reconstruct eastern Mediterranean climate temperatures
Morsko: Where are the Great Viking Kings Buried?
Gruzie: Lebka z Dmanisi zatřásla evolučním stromem člověka / Človek vznikol inak, lebka rozpútala debatu o našej minulosti / Skull of Homo erectus throws story of human evolution into disarray / 1.8M-year-old skull gives glimpse of our evolution, suggests early man was single species / Skull Find Could Change Picture of Early Human Evolutionary History / Einzigartiger Schädelfund widerlegt frühmenschliche Artenvielfalt / Lebka stará 1,8 milionu let může přepsat učebnice / One happy family: Dmanisi cave controversy
Normanské ostrovy (UK): Archaeologists rediscover the lost home of the last Neanderthals / Archaeologists rediscover the lost home of the last Neanderthals
Austrálie: Mysterious ancient human crossed Wallace’s Line / Ancient Humans Crossed Ocean Barrier?
Kazachstán: Ancient warrior's tomb discovered in Kazakhstan

17. 10. 2013
Slovensko: Archeológovia postavia v Bojnej najväčšiu slovanskú bránu
Bulharsko: Bulgaria archaeologists find ancient wine cellar
Anglie: Bamburgh archaeological dig unearths stunning prehistoric site
Turecko: Bronze Age kiln found in Alacahöyük
USA: Mass Grave of ‘Prodigal Sons’ in California Poses Prehistoric Mystery
Švédsko: Unique pre-Viking Age monuments uncovered at Old Uppsala pagan ceremonial site in Sweden / Pre-Viking Age Monuments Unearthed Near Burial Ground In Sweden

16. 10. 2013
Anglie: Wiltshire dig reveals frogs' legs eaten by British 8000 years before French / Vor 8.000 Jahren standen auch Kröten am Speiseplan der Briten / „Žabožrouty“ byli podle archeologů dřív Angličané, Francouzi až po nich
Anglie: Discovery that brings forgotten church back to life
Gibraltar/Španělsko/Izrael: Bones to Shape Stones
Polsko: Rich tomb of the Roman period discovered in Czelin
Itálie: 5 Surprising Facts About Otzi the Iceman
Izrael: King Herod's Tomb A Mystery Yet Again
Peru: Wari, predecessors of the Inca, used restraint to reshape human landscape
Sýrie: Ancient Syrians favoured buying local to outsourcing production / Ancient Syrians favoured local obsidian

15. 10. 2013
Kurdistán (Irák): Archeologové z plzeňské univerzity objevili v Iráku zaniklé město / Objev nové civilizace? Možná ano, hlásí z Iráku plzeňští archeologové
Turecko: New section of Hellenistic city revealed
Německo: Neue Leihgaben werten Jenaer Antikensammlung auf - doch woher stammen die Objekte?
Indie: Archaeological Survey of India to excavate fort after Swami dreams of hidden gold

14. 10. 2013
Anglie: Northumberland shipwreck search finds forgotten cannon
Izrael: Underwater archaeologists: Unlocking the mysteries of an age-old port / Unlocking the mysteries of Israel's Tel Dor
USA: Woodford distillery's past comes to light with archaeology dig
Polsko: Szczęśliwi bogowie Skandynawów
Německo: Berlin museum seeks return of ancient gold tablet
Kongo: New Emotional Clues to Human and Ape Evolutionary Links

13. 10. 2013
Pákistán: Moenjodaro may disappear in 20 years say experts / World's only surviving Bronze Age metropolis in Pakistan faces ruin
Dánsko: A Viking whitewash

12. 10. 2013
Indie: Neolithic sites found in India's Gayathripuzha river valley
Turecko: Hittite city of Nerik being unearthed in Turkey
Anglie: Amesbury dig 'could explain' Stonehenge history
Anglie: Were these dazzling artefacts at the King of Stonehenge's burial site Britain's first Crown Jewels?
Anglie: Iron Age camp unearthed at UK quarry
Írán: Tehran museum to host 2nd Conference of Sassanid Archaeology and Art
USA: Archaeologists, volunteers piece together Chinese influence in Jacksonville

11. 10. 2013
Anglie: Silverdale Viking treasure to go on display in Lancashire
Německo: Studierende der Saar-Uni graben halbkreisförmige Badewanne in römischer Villa aus
Německo: Forscher enträtseln die Bevölkerungsentwicklung Europas in der Jungsteinzeit
Řecko: The Dispilio Tablet - the oldest known written text
Izrael: Identification of Herod's tomb questioned
Izrael: Half a million years ago, proto-men recycled, say Israeli scientists / The Origins of Recycling: A Paleolithic Perspective
Čína: Ancient tombs discovered in China
USA: Neandertals ate stomach goop, and you can too

10. 10. 2013
Ancient Archeological Sites That Were Destroyed By Stupid Humans
Rakousko: V Rakousku prý žije 19 příbuzných ledového muže Ötziho / Link to Oetzi the Iceman found in living Austrians
Německo: Central European hunters 2000 year decline / European hunter-gatherers and immigrant farmers lived side-by-side for more than 2,000 years / Steinzeitliche Parallelgesellschaften / Hunter-Gatherers and Immigrant Farmers Lived Together for 2,000 Years in Central Europe
Německo: Genetic Studies Reveal Ancient Makeup of Modern European Populations / Ancient DNA Unravels Europe's Genetic Diversity
Švédsko: Bronze Age Europe – the first Industrial revolution
Portugalsko: Roman ruins discovered in Portugal
USA/Itálie: Getty Villa Examines Life and Legacy of Roman Emperor Tiberius
Írán: Clues to Lost Prehistoric Code Discovered in Mesopotamia / Proto-Elamite clay balls are world's 'first data storage system'

9. 10. 2013
Řecko: One of two arrested antiquities smugglers facing nine prior convictions
Řecko: Discovery of a 2,700-year-old portico at Argilos
Španělsko: Experts Discover the Mother of Roman Perfumes On the Mediterranean Coast
Brazílie: Prehistoric Brazil artifacts star in exhibit, spark debate
Bolívie: Archaeologists in Bolivia find 1,500-year-old treasures

8. 10. 2013
Dánsko: Reading the Runestones of Denmark via smartphone app
Peru: New Archaeoastronomical alignments found at Machu Picchu
Anglie: 18th Century Jewish Manuscript Found in Garage
Bulharsko: Roman legion barracks discovered in Bulgaria
USA: Were the First Artists Mostly Women?
Gruzie: 'Ancient humans' used toothpicks

7. 10. 2013
Švédsko: Proof of Human Migration from Sweden to Poland During the Early Bronze Age
Francie/Dánsko: Butchering Circa 10,000 B.C.
Ukrajina: Gravetop Sundial Reveals Lost Civilization's Tech Savvy / Bronze Age grave marker served as sundial
Řecko: Greeks hope to save ancient road on subway site / Greeks rally to save ancient road on subway site
Gruzie: More Findings Emerge from Oldest Known Hominin Fossils Outside of Africa
Turecko: World’s biggest column head found in Balıkesir
Irák: Polish archaeologists in Iraq saved a unique 4500 years old monument

6. 10. 2013
Skotsko: Gamers take aim at ancient Pictish stone puzzle
Japonsko: What Evolved First, a Dexterous Hand or an Agile Foot?

5. 10. 2013
Turecko: Restoration work ends at Hierapolis theatre
Kazachstán: Karaganda archaeologists discover Saka-era granite sculpture
Švédsko: 1500 year old Swedish fortress massacre revealed
Kanada: Province's archaeological sites threatened, group says

4. 10. 2013
Švédsko: Shock Bronze Age find 'changes history'
Anglie: Lidar reveals New Forest's hidden secrets
Německo: Das Danewerk - älter als gedacht
USA: Dig reveals 1,500-year-old midden near Barrow

3. 10. 2013
Egypt: Life-size statue of king Ramses II found in Sharkiya
Řecko: 6,000-Year-Old Wine Found In Greece; Ancient Samples May Be Oldest Unearthed In Europe
Turecko: Still-active cistern beneath Istanbul mosque
Turecko: Human brain boiled in its skull lasted 4000 years
Izrael: Jewish Prayer Book Predates Oldest Torah Scroll
Británie: European link to Jewish maternal ancestry
USA: Kootenay pictographs vandalized with paintball pellets
USA: The World as They Knew It - The Legacy of Greco-Roman Mapmaking
Fiilipíny: 9000 year old defleshing ritual revealed in the Philippines

2. 10. 2013
Anglie: Roman skulls washed down lost London river

1. 10. 2013
Indonésie: Za ochlazení v době Přemyslovců mohla sopka z Indonésie / Objavili sopku, ktorá spustila malú dobu ľadovú / Source of Mysterious Medieval Eruption Identified
Norsko: Neolithic Weapon Emerges From Norwegian Snow
Anglie: Vikings May Have Been More Social Than Savage / Research suggests Vikings more social than savage
USA/Anglie: Population crash after introduction of agriculture into Europe / Regional population collapse followed initial agriculture booms in mid-Holocene Europe
USA: Long-Hidden Sites Discovered in the Southwest May Change Views of Ancient Migrations

30. 9. 2013
USA: 6000 let starý jazyk rekonstruován / Telling Tales in Proto-Indo-European (1) a Telling Tales in Proto-Indo-European (2)
Řecko: Ancient Greek site threatened amid celebration
Anglie: Vikings: life and legend
Polsko: Six medieval bridge crossings were discovered in Mazury
Turecko: Ancient city of Iasos rises out of the ashes
Irák: Ancient Kingdom Discovered Beneath Mound in Iraq
Irák: Regional Security Boosts Archeology in Northern Iraq
Kambodža: Protecting Cambodia's cultural treasures
Filipíny: Ancient human remains in Palawan reveal rare ritual burial

28. 9. 2013
Řecko: New Finds Uncovered at Ancient Greek Site of Argilos
USA/Írán: 2,700-year-old Persian artifact a gift of U.S. diplomacy to Iran?

27. 9. 2013
Bulharsko: 2500-Year-Old Horse Remains in Bulgaria Suggest Creatures Were Buried Upright
Anglie: Maryport settlement dig reveals shop and Roman road
USA: Anthropologists confirm link between cranial anatomy and two-legged walking / Walking on two legs linked to a hole in your head
Německo: Erste lange Temperaturrekonstruktion aus Jahrringen für das östliche Mittelmeergebiet

26. 9. 2013
Polsko: Wandalia czyli ziemie Polski w późnym antyku
Indie/Přední Východ: Genetic link shown between Indian subcontinent and Mesopotamia

25. 9. 2013
Francie/Švýcarsko: People shaped the Alpine environment from early times
Ukrajina: Greek settlement in Ukraine gains world heritage status
Itálie: Buried Roman theatre sets the stage for new understanding of ancient town
Turecko: Mosaics and aphrodite head discovered at Antiochia ad Cragnum
Wales: Bronze Age 'boat building' discovery in Monmouth
Bulharsko: Archaeology: Bulgaria’s 2013 season draws to a close

24. 9. 2013
Anglie: A virtual prehistoric world you can explore / Virtual Prehistoric Worlds
Egypt: Ancient Egyptian Fortress Yields New Finds
Británie/USA: Intense warfare the evolutionary driver of large complex societies
Skotsko: Neolithic stone puts spotlight on Perthshire glen’s ancient history
Velikonoční ostrovy: Easter Island's moai statues face environmental threat
Izrael: 5,000-Year-Old Leopard Trap Discovered in Israel

22. 9. 2013
Anglie: Archaeological dig seeks evidence of the very first islanders' arrival
Španělsko: Cave Paintings Among the Oldest in Europe
Nizozemsko: Study shows ancient language relationships

21. 9. 2013
Anglie: Ebbfleet elephant reveals hunting prowess of early humans
Makedonie: 6,000 yr old wine discovered in eastern Macedonia
Jordánsko: UT Archaeologists Uncover Lost Roman Outpost in Southern Jordan

20. 9. 2013
Německo: Ältestes Römerlager in Deutschland: Scherben verraten Cäsars Truppen
Německo: Rahmenvertrag zur Archäologischen Zone mit Jüdischem Museum abgeschlossen
Itálie: Revealing the hidden life of the slave in Pompeii
Itálie: Skeleton of Ancient Prince Reveals Etruscan Life
Polsko: 1,300 year old cemetery discovered in Poland / Spectacular tombs from the early Middle Ages discovered in Burdąg
Turecko: Medusa mosaic ready to work spell once more
Maďarsko: Remains of ancient Ottoman town found in Hungary
Peru: Archaeologists explore the last capital of the Mochica in Northern Peru

19. 9. 2013
Norsko: Odd tale of headless Norse men: Slaves buried with the rich
Řecko: Excavations at Ayia Varvara Asprokremnos completed

18. 9. 2013
Řecko: Scientists search for wood used for ancient triremes
Brazílie: Finnish archaeologist digs up ancient civilization in Brazil
Ukrajina: Polish archaeologists discovered a Roman garrison commander's house in the Crimea
Peru: Developer destruction of pre-Inca pyramid goes unpunished

17. 9. 2013
Norsko: Iron age horse found as Norway glacier melts
Německo: Neanderthals eating salmon 40,000 years ago in the Caucasus
Izrael: Mt. Zion dig reveals possible second temple period priestly mansion
Rusko: Extraordinary kurgan burial shines new light on Sarmatian life
Peru: Archaeologists discover Inca ruins in Nazca, Peru

16. 9. 2013
Egypt: Radiocarbon dating tightenss Egyptian chronology
Izrael: Biblical-Era Town Discovered Along Sea of Galilee
Anglie: Warrior grave found in excavation

15. 9. 2013
Chile: Conquering the Atacama deserta
Egypt: Egyptian Mummies Set on Fire in Morsi Ousting Riot
Anglie: East Anglian heritage celebrated in ambitious art show

14. 9. 2013
Turecko: Ancient sportsmen took doping too, findings show
Indie: Underwater survey in TN to verify Ptolemy’s account
Indie: Modern Humans in India Earlier Than Previously Thought?
Anglie: Tudor monuments rebuilt with virtual technology
Anglie: Excavation may reveal secret of the Hurlers
Anglie: Medieval church unearthed at King's Square / Archaeologists discover remains of ancient church in York city centre
Egypt: Coptic archaeological site wrecked

13. 9. 2013
Irsko: Irish weights were a key Viking Age trading tool
Irák/Polsko: Poznań archaeologists back in Iraq
Německo: 6.000 Jahre alte Dorfplätze am Kapellenberg gefunden

12. 9. 2013
Anglie: Stone me! It’s Britain’s newest stone circle
Anglie: Stonehenge was built on solstice axis, dig confirms
Řecko: Mycenaean palace, Linear B tablets found near Sparta
Turecko: Roman artifacts enough to fill a museum in Siirt
Libanon: Dating of beads sets new timeline for early humans
Čína: China finds ancient tomb of 'female prime minister'

11. 9. 2013
Anglie: Stonehenge ditch discoveries prove archaeology link to River Avon true
Irsko: New passage-tomb discovery near Newgrange
Rusko: Extraordinary kurgan burial shines new light on Sarmatian life
Egypt: Roman-era tombs found in Alexandria
Afrika: Ancient rivers cut migration routes through Sahara / Paleorivers across Sahara may have supported ancient human migration routes (Paleoclimate simulations reveal potential 'green corridors' across North Africa)
Peru: Astronomical observatory discovered in Machu Picchu
Guatemala: Slovenským archeológom sa podarilo objaviť päť mayských miest

10. 9. 2013
Německo: Roman soldier’s chain mail found at battle site
Norsko: Glacier reveals 5,400-year-old Stone Age arrow
Anglie: New Sourcing Technique Detects Obsidian In Seconds
Anglie: Hadrian's Wall UNESCO World Heritage Site in half million pound refurbishment

9. 9. 2013
Skotsko: Pictish burials found at ‘Royal Rhynie’ site / 'Early Pictish Royal remains' discovered at Rhynie
Irsko: 'Bull ring' was silver Viking ring treasure / Ploughed field find was silver Viking ring
Izrael: Gold treasure abandoned at the Persian conquest of Jerusalem
Bulharsko: Archaeology: 7000-year-old defensive wall emerges near Bulgaria’s Shoumen
Mexiko: 12,000 year old lineage of the first American settlers

8. 9. 2013
Anglie: Saxon remains to be reburied after dig

6. 9. 2013
Anglie: Bone dates 'earliest northerner', say archaeologists in Liverpool
Turecko: Hellenistic burial chambers found in Samsun

5. 9. 2013
Británie: UK treasure hunters make archeologists see red
Turecko: Remains of first religious structure discovered in Central Anatolia

4. 9. 2013
Polsko: Archaeologists discover burials from the Roman period in Czelin
Normanské ostrovy: Jersey Heritage offer coin hoard tour to help fund conservation
Turecko: Bones from Neolithic era found in Turkey's Hasankeyf
Sýrie: In Syria’s ruined relics lies the history of human civilisation
Sýrie: Toxic Gas First Used in Syria 1,700 Years Ago

3. 9. 2013
Anglie/Skotsko: Declassified spy photographs reveal lost Roman frontier
Kypr: Bronze Age city reveals extensive trade

2. 9. 2013
Anglie: Excavations underway at the largest hillfort in Britain
Dánsko: Field teeming with Bronze Age gold rings
Faerské ostrovy: Vikings’ claim to Faroe Islands in doubt
Bulharsko: Bulgarian archaeologists find ‘twin’ of Sozopol ‘vampire’ at Perperikon

31. 8. 2013
Itálie: Ancient Roman Ship Found Intact With Cargo Off Italian Coast
Itálie/Německo: Italy calls for German assistance as Pompeii falls further into ruin

30. 8. 2013
Skotsko: First Iron Age loch village discovery in Scotland / First Scottish Iron Age 'loch village' found in Wigtownshire
USA: Striking Patterns: Skill for Forming Tools and Words Evolved Together
Mexiko: Mexican archaeologists discover twenty-eight flint knives adorned as warriors
Mali (Azawad): Repairing and rebuilding Timbuktu’s cultural heritage
Sýrie: UNESCO Says Syria's Cultural Heritage Being Devastated

29. 8. 2013
Norsko: Ancient artefacts found in melting snow / Melting Snow Reveals Iron Age Sweater
Irsko: ‘Significant’ medieval monastic enclosure found in Donegal / 1,300-year-old monastic site hailed the new Clonmacnoise by archaeologists
Skotsko: Four thousand year old sheepskin recovered from burial cist in Sutherland
Anglie: Final excavations underway at Ham Hil
Bolívie: Bolivian treasure island reveals human habitation starting 10,400 years ago
Izrael: Canaanite ritual stone found in northern Israel
Turecko: Roman baths come to light at Stratonikeia
Sýrie: UN: Syria's ancient history faces new threats
Čína: Song Dynasty tombs discovered in Hubei

28. 7. 2013
Polsko: Archaeologists discovered a unique woman figurine in Silesia
Kanada: Ancient farming evidence found at Winnipeg museum site
Turecko: Ancient Greek sanctuary to receive delayed cargo
Norsko: Burning rock! Experiments with fire setting at the Stone Age Melsvik chert quarries in Northern Norway
Austrálie: Laser technology captures Aboriginal rock art in Kakadu National Park

27. 8. 2013
Neanderthals invented specialised bone tools
Německo: European hunter-gatherers owned domesticated pigs / European hunter-gatherers owned pigs around 4600BC / Ancient Humans Dined on Bacon from Weird, Spotted Pigs / Steinzeit-Schweine: Beleg für interkulturelle Kontakte an der Elbe
Skotsko: Iron Age roundhouse revealed in Borders dig
Rakousko: Über 2.000 Jahre altes Skelett in Niederösterreich ausgegraben / 2,300 year old skeleton found in Austria
Makedonie: Macedonian Heritage Site To Face UNESCO Probe / The 'Exceptional Beauty' Of Macedonia's Lake Ohrid
Řecko: Mound fuels heady speculation about Alexander the Great
Turecko: Excavations at Byzantine castle in Istanbul reveal 80 artifacts
Peru: Archeologists discover two stone sculptures at Chavin de Huantar in Ancash
Sibiř (Rusko): 2,000-Year-Old Bear Ring Found In Siberia, Used In Ancient ‘Bear Cult
Gruzie: Opencast threat to prehistoric gold mine in Georgia

26. 8. 2013
Dánsko: Feasting and fighting: the long-lost secrets of Beowulf / Discovering the truth behind the Beowulf legend
Turecko: Excavations begin in Turkey's Ani ancient city
Turecko: Work completed on historic sunken Yenikapı ships
Turecko: Works shed light on Aslantepe Tumulus
Francie: Mocné říše Chetitů a mykénských Řeků rozvrátilo dlouhé a ničivé sucho
Aljaška: Excavation reveals largest trove of Yup'ik artifacts

24. 8. 2013
Anglie: Lincoln Castle archaeologists to extract sarcophagus
Jižní Karolína (USA): Oldest European fort in the inland US discovered in Appalachians

23. 8. 2013
Jordánsko: The Race to Save Petra From Its Own Success
Jordánsko: Lost Roman outpost discovered in southern Jordan
Egypt: Pictures: Looters Shatter Museum of Ancient Egyptian Treasures
Norsko/Egypt: One mummy – many coffins
Mongolsko: 13th-Century Mongolian Warrior Found in Siberia
Egypt: The Diet of Pyramid Builders: What Did They Eat?

22. 8. 2013
Řecko: Ancient mound in Greece fuels heady speculation / V Řecku se spekuluje, že vědci našli hrob Alexandra Velikého
Řecko: Fossil insects tweak date of deadly “Atlantis” eruption
Čína (Ujghuristán): New finds in Xinjiang shed light on early defence strategy / New finds in Xinjiang shed light on early defence strategy
Itálie: Italian archaeologists have grape expectations of their ancient wine / Italian archaeologists have grape expectations of their ancient wine
USA: Mammoth's DNA intact, researchers mapping it
Německo: Neue Erkenntnisse zur mittelalterlichen Baugeschichte von Schloss Stolberg

21. 8. 2013
Anglie/Německo/Dánsko/Španělsko: Hunter-gatherers’ taste for spice
Německo: Excavating One of the Nazis' First Concentration Camps
Ukrajina: 2,500 year old burials discovered in Ukraine
Kypr: Evidence of Production of Luxury Textiles and Extraction of Copper from Unknown Part of Cypriote Bronze Age City
Belgie: Oldest Globe of New World Carved on Ostrich Eggs

20. 8. 2013
Slovensko: Pustý hrad je menší, ako sa predpokladalo
Faerské ostrovy: Vikingové byli na Faerských ostrovech až druzí / First colonisers of the Faroe Islands were not the Vikings / Mystery Settlers Reached 'Step to Americas' Before Vikings / Faroe Islands were colonised before the Vikings arrived
Polsko: Neolithic settlement in Poland reconstructed / Neolithic settlement reconstructed
Rumunsko: 20,000-year-old stone pendant found in Eastern Romania
Anglie: Hadrian’s villa tunnels explored as cavers drop down into hidden city
Izrael: Archaeologists Find Israel Was Land of Milk, Honey – and Cinnamon / Evidence of 3,000-Year-Old Cinnamon Trade Found in Israel

19. 8. 2013
Egypt: Egypt's devastating museum looting latest casualty
Polsko/Dánko: Polish archaeologists discovered medieval coins on Bornholm
Anglie: Neanderthal hand axes reveal two distinctive cultural traditions / Handaxe design reveals distinct Neanderthal cultures

18. 8. 2013
Římská říše: Digital map of the Roman Empire / Digital Map of the Roman Empire
Německo: Schlacht am Harzhorn: Kettenhemd eines römischen Soldaten gefunden
Kypr: Catastrophic climate change ends Bronze Age civilisation
Anglie: The riddle of the 400-year-old shipwreck / Rudder reclaimed from sea off England
Izrael: 2700 Year-Old Inscription in City of David Excavations

16. 8. 2013
Anglie: Offa's Dyke: Part Of Monument Bulldozed
Itálie: The Monteleone Chariot
Srbsko: Kosovo Hails Discovery of Ancient Roman Site
Ujghuristán (Čína): Zoroastrian tombs found in Xinjiang

15. 8. 2013
Norsko: Cutting costs to the bone (nové metody výzkumu DNA v archeologii)
Wales: Roman temple clues found during dig in Conwy Valley
Thajsko: Macaque stone tool use under threat in Thailand
Ujghuristán (Čína): 3,000-year-old nomad shields excavated in China
Kurdistán (Irák): Archeologové z plzeňské univerzity objevili v Iráku zaniklé město / Objev nové civilizace? Možná ano, hlásí z Iráku plzeňští archeologové
Izrael: Assyrian Period Fortifications Unearthed in Ashdod / TAU Archaeologists Find Massive Fortifications from the Iron Age / Massive ancient fortifications found at Ashdod-Yam

14. 8. 2013
Turecko: Oldest Gaming Tokens Found in Turkey
Madagaskar: Human occupation of Madagascar pushed back 2500 years

13. 8. 2013
Německo: Badger digs up medieval warrior graves
Anglie: Archaeologist locates the real location of the Battle of Bosworth
USA: Oldest dated petroglyphs in North America

12. 8. 2013
USA/Francie/Německo: Neandertals Were No Copycats / Made by Neanderthals: 50 thousand year old bone tools / Neandrtálci měli vyspělejší nástroje, než vědci předpokládali
Anglie: A tablet bearing a birthday party invite includes the earliest Latin script penned by a woman
Řecko: The Riddle of the Labyrinth
Turecko: Head of a goddess statue discovered in Aegean province
Amerika: DNA reveals details of the peopling of the Americas

11. 8. 2013
Řecko: Ritual altar with Linear A found at Zominthos

10. 8. 2013
Wales: Hot summer unearths Roman discoveries in Wales
Anglie: V bristolském muzeu je nyní k vidění slavná Orfeova mozaika
Turecko: Ancient ship to set sail again to Egypt

9. 8. 2013
Dánsko: The day before death: A new archaeological technique gives insight into the day before death
Německo: Antike Glasperlen liefern Hinweise auf Handwerk und Handelsrouten zur Zeit der Römer / Analysis of ancient glass beads from cult site in Germany
Guatemala: Remarkable Maya sculpture discovered in buried pyramid
Německo: Paderborner Stadtgeschichte unterm Fachwerkhaus

8. 8. 2013
Anglie: Massive excavation in Sussex spans 6000 years
Anglie: London railway tunneling yields archaeological trove of ancient artifacts and long-dead Londoners
Skotsko: Jarlshof from Above
Irsko: 16th century Irish Hipsters
Indie: Genetic study finds caste system in ancient India began about 2,000 years ago / Genetic study finds origin of Indian caste system

7. 8. 2013
Izrael: Byzantine Garbage Pit Yields Mystery
Guatemala: Giant Maya Carvings Found in Guatemala

6. 8. 2013
Itálie: Roman Sex, Sexuality, Slaves and Lex Scantinia
USA: Taphonomic Analysis of Neolithic Seated Burials / Taphonomic Analysis of Neolithic Seated Burials
Izrael: Crusader hospital revealed to the public in Jerusalem
Rusko: Ancient treasures found at Russian burial site
Anglie/Írán: The Everlasting Flame: Zoroastrianism in History and Imagination

5. 8. 2013
Egypt: Ancient Egyptian brewery reconstructed in 3D
Turecko: Turečtí archeologové věří, že našli část Ježíšova kříže
Řecko: Secrets of the tiny, unspoilt Lesser Cyclades islands unveiled
Řecko: Neanderthals Found in Greece
Bulharsko: Bulgarian Archeologists Uncover Large Votive Relief of Zeus
Egypt: Cambyses’ Lost Army and the Physics of Sandstorms
Irsko: Vikings ‘ransacked Church gold for jewellery’

4. 8. 2013
USA: Bow and arrow forever changed ancient cultures
Bulharsko: Rich Thracian tomb with lion-goat ornament discovered in Sliven

3. 8. 2013
Turecko: Mycenaean artifacts found in Bodrum
Anglie: The Rothwell Charnel Chapel and Ossuary Project

2. 8. 2013
Irsko: Co Laois bog body is world's oldest
Itálie: Neues Forschungs- und Restaurierungsprojekt in Pompeji

1. 8. 2013
Skotsko: 'Finest' Neolithic stone discovered at Orkney's Ness of Brodgar / Neolithic artwork revealed in Orkney
Irsko/Británie: The village people: An early history of neighbourly disputes
USA (Aljaška): Archaeologists Uncover Pre-Contact Inupiat Village Near Kiana
Anglie: Medieval boat discovered on River Chet, Loddon

31. 7. 2013
Anglie: Medieval boat discovered in Norfolk marshland
Anglie: Roman skeletons discovered in Gloucester
Wales: 700 year old deer park discovered in Wales
Polsko: Archaeology: The milk revolution

30. 7. 2013
Anglie: Neolithic halls of the dead: a unique discovery
Anglie/Jižní Amerika: Drugs and alcohol in child victim reveal sacrificial secrets of the Incas
Anglie: Rescued from the sea

29. 7. 2013
Polsko: Germańscy bogowie muszą umrzeć
Sýrie: Syria Looters Armed With Bulldozers Seek Treasure Amid Chaos
Anglie: Coffin-within-a-coffin found at Richard III site
Izrael: Čeští archeologové v Izraeli
Nunavut/Kanada: When the Vikings were in Nunavut
Turecko: Soli Pompeiopolis archaeopark to open

28. 7. 2013
Anglie: Walrus Bones Found in Old London Burial Ground

27. 7. 2013
USA: Researchers seek link between mammoth bones and human artefacts

26. 7. 2013
Řecko/Německo: 100 Jahre Kerameikos-Grabung des Deutschen Archäologischen Institutes
Turecko: Ancient theatre of Assos set for return
Anglie: 200-year-old railway discovered along banks of River Tyne

25. 7. 2013
Irsko: 10,000 year old mesolithic hut recreated / Experimental archaeologists complete Mesolithic Hut
Makedonie: Archaeologists Excavate Ancient Roman Capital in Macedonia
Španělsko: Ancient flint blade found in Spain
Čína: Archaeological finds reveal prehistoric civilization along Silk Road

24. 7. 2013
Jižní Afrika: Cradle of Humankind Brings Early Human Fossils Closer to Home
Turecko: Temples of ancient Pergamon to become 3D
Anglie: Possible Saxon bread oven found in Norfolk
USA: Ancient Technology for Metal Coatings 2,000 Years Ago Can't Be Matched Even Today

23. 7. 2013
Řecko: Mycenaean frescoes found in Boeotian Thebes
Kypr: Extensive Bronze Age settlement revealed at Politiko–Troullia, Cyprus
Itálie: Hellenic mosaic discovered in massive Italian find

22. 7. 2013
Saúdská Arábie: Beyond the Levant – Evidence of a Pre-Pottery Neolithic in Saudi Arabia
Polsko: Church in Stębark - possible burial place of the knights of Grunwald
Bulharsko: Archaeology: Thracian temple, sanctuary of Zeus and Hera found in Bulgaria’s Sredna Gora

19. 7. 2013
Německo: Bronzezeitliche Salzproduktion in Halle

18. 7. 2013
Německo: Ice Age Figurine's Head Found: Archaeologists Put New and Old Finds Together to Reassemble Ancient Work of Art / Mammoth ivory figurine’s head found in cave
Anglie: Hemerdon tungsten mine: Bronze Age axe and pottery found
Izrael: Proto-Canaanite inscription found on Pithos

17. 7. 2013
Anglie: Help float Dover's Bronze Age boat! / Float the Dover Bronze Age Boat!
Wales: 6,000-year-old decorative wood carving unearthed on Welsh mountainside
Turecko: Alacahöyük diggings reveal Hittite canals

16. 7. 2013
Čína: Experts row over 'earliest' Chinese inscriptions find at the Zhuangqiaofen archaeological site
Ujghuristán (Čína): A Silk Road Mousetrap?

15. 7. 2013
Skotsko: 'World's oldest calendar' discovered in Scottish field / Found after 10,000 years: the world’s first calendar / 'World's oldest calendar' discovered in Scottish field
Anglie/Evropa: Researchers Discover First Use of Fertilizer / Hnojení polí v neolitu / Manure used by Europe's first farmers 8,000 years ago

14. 7. 2013
Francie: Late Palaeolithic burial found in southeast France

13. 7. 2013
Peru: Mummy of sacrificed woman found in north Peru archaeology site

12. 7. 2013
Polsko: V Polsku objevili hrob, který prý patří upírům / Vampire graveyard found in Poland?
Dánsko: Vikings held political summits across Europe
Bulharsko: Archaeologists Discover Burial Place of Ancient Warrior
Kambodža: Phnomenal archaeology. A vast, ancient and sophisticated city has been uncovered beneath Angkor Wat in Cambodia
Nizozemsko: Konnten Neandertaler sprechen?
Německo: Neue Grabungen im Bonner Legionslager beginnen im September
Irsko: Thor’s Wood, a sacred grove near Viking Age Dublin?

11. 7. 2013
Skandinávie: Viking and Early Middle Ages Northern Scandinavian Textiles Proven to be made with Hemp
Indie: Excavations Uncover Earliest Middle Paleolithic Stone Tools in India
Mexiko: 2,000-Year Old Pyramid and Multiple Pre-Columbian Burial Sites Found in Veracruz, Mexico
Katar: Seventh century Islamic dwelling, found in Qatar

10. 7. 2013
Turecko: Yamaç Houses of Ephesus reveal mysteries of history
Izrael: Oldest Alphabetical Written Text Found near Temple Mount / A New Ceramic Inscription from Jerusalem (10th century BC?)
Čína: Inscriptions found in Shanghai pre-date 'oldest Chinese language by 1,400 years'
USA/Německo/Indonézie: 3-D-comparative analysis confirms Homo floresiensis as a fossil human species

9. 7. 2013
Malta: Scholars Assemble to Discuss Archaeology of Sound
Čína: Painted bronze excavated from central China tombs
Izrael: Unique Egyptian sphinx unearthed in north Israel / V Izraeli nalezli nohy egyptské sfingy. Vědci řeší, jak se tam dostala
Mexiko: Mexico unveils stone-age etchings
Anglie: Virtually intact Late Roman well discovered
Egypt: Funerary boats discovered in Abu Rawash

8. 7. 2013
Anglie: Medieval ruins discovered in Somerset puzzle archaeologists
Britské ostrovy: Volunteer army drafted to map every ancient hill fort

7. 7. 2013
Kypr: City quarters from Late Bronze Age revealed
Nepál: Remains of 1300 BC village‚ pre-Ashokan shrines in Lumbini

6. 7. 2013
Ukrajina: Massacre dating back 2,300 years in the Crimea / Chersonesus, Crimea, 2300-Year-Old Massacre
Turecko: Excavations begin at ancient site of Kültepe
Katar: ‘Fantastic finds’ from Wadi Debayan excavation

5. 7. 2013
Norsko: Clues from an ancient Viking trading centre / Nord-Trøndelag (Norvège): Clues from an ancient Viking trading centre / A tantalizing hint of an ancient trading town / Viking-age silver button and balance scales found / A tantalizing hint of an ancient trading town / Clues from an ancient Viking trading centre
Itálie: Tale of Glorious Art and Not So Glorious Thieves Etruscan Artifacts Looted by Amateurs Are Prize Objects
Egypt: Mysterious Toe Rings Found on Ancient Egyptian Skeletons

4. 7. 2013
Írán/Německo: Beginnings of Agriculture in Fertile Crescent More Widespread Than Thought, Study Says / Farming was so Nice, It was Invented at Least Twice / Chogha Golan (Iran) Pre-Pottery Neolithic Tell
Gibraltar: Gibraltar caves provide fresh insight into how Neanderthals lived
Švédsko: Dig seeks to establish age of Swedish castle

3. 7. 2013
Německo: Steinzeitlicher Lőwenmensch nimmt neuen Anlauf zur Vollendung
Německo: German Society for Pre- and Protohistory hands over petition against funding cuts
Itálie: Ancient Anchors from Punic Wars Found Off Sicily
Súdán: Medieval tower and paintings discovered by Polish archaeologists in Sudan

1. 7. 2013
Španělsko: The oldest human fossil in Europe, from Orce (Spain) / Oldest Human Fossil in Western Europe Found in Spain
Anglie: Roman shrine found at Rutland Water nature reserve
Izrael: Oldest Grave Flowers Unearthed in Israel / Mysterious Pair Buried With Flowers—Oldest Example Yet Aromatic sage and mint lined graves found on Israel's Mount Carmel / Oldest-Ever Graves Decorated with Flowers Found in Israel
Peru: 5,000-year-old pyramid destroyed in Lima
Austrálie: Caucasian man's skull dating to 1600s found in eastern Australia

30. 6. 2013
Estonsko: Die ersten Wilden Kerle
Turecko: Sunken ships seen in ancient city of Tieion
Chile: 1,500 Year-Old Nicotine Habit Found in Chilean Mummies

28. 6. 2013
Řecko: Spätantike Wohnkultur in Ephesos
Německo: Hallstattzeitliche Funde rund um den "Kultwagen von Strettweg"
Egypt: Deir al-Surian, a treasure chest in the desert

27. 6. 2013
Itálie: Italian police recover Etruscan treasures
Izrael: Finds from Roman siege of Jerusalem unearthed
Itálie: New archaeological site unveiled in Rome
Ostrov Man (Británie): Isle of Man Viking silver declared 'treasure trove'
Dánsko: 700,000 year old horse gets its genome sequenced
USA: Ability to throw with speed and accuracy a uniquely human adaptation

26. 6. 2013
Guatemala: Newly revealed Maya farming hotspots hold key to ancient culture
Šapnělsko/Afrika: Climate drives human innovation during African Stone Age

25. 6. 2013
Wales: Vandals graffiti Bronze Age standing stone in Brecon Beacons. Specialists brought in to clean and restore monument believed to have been erected between 2500 and 1800 BC
Wales: Medieval house uncovered by workmen in Wales / Conwy workmen's 'incredible' medieval house find

25. 6. 2013
Irák: Starověký Babylon se vrátí do původní podoby / Restoring the glory of ancient Babylon

24. 6. 2013:
Skotsko: Royal Rhynie focus of Pictish excavation
Skotsko: Search continues for lost Roman fort
Wales: Dig for Iron Age hill fort in Ely, Cardiff
Irák: Parthian city of Hatra in Northern Iraq in an alarming state
Sýrie: Site of Earliest Known Urban Warfare Threatened by Syrian War
Čína: Subway Construction Destroys Ancient Chinese Tombs

23. 6. 2013
Anglie: Largest Known Ancient Roman Settlement in the Hadrian's Wall Frontier Under Exploration
Ukrajina: Greek city in Crimea gets World Heritage status

22. 6. 2013
Anglie: Teston Roman villa discovery solves 140-year-old mystery
Turecko: Excavations reveal remains of a Turkish bath in Aegean province
Afrika: Shellfish show the rise of the modern human

21. 6. 2013
Turecko: Kültepe digs may reveal new written documents
Německo: Freilichtmuseum Heuneburg hat wieder eine Zukunft

20. 6. 2013
USA: Early 1800s artifacts found on university campus

19. 6. 2013
Dánsko: Biggest Viking exhibition in 20 years opens – and this time they're angry
Anglie/Irsko: Snails Reveal Ancient Human Migration from France to Ireland
Japonsko: High-tech inspired insights into Japan's ancient 'Kofun' burial mounds
Mexiko: Extensive Maya city discovered in Campeche

18. 6. 2013
Slovensko: Pozrite si nálezy z hrobky germánskeho kniežaťa v Poprade
Španělsko: Stone Age technological and cultural innovation accelerated by climate
Egypt: Excavation uncovers ancient Egyptian town in northern Egypt
Turecko: French archaeologists to examine Stone Age inns in Black Sea province
Řecko: 2013 season at Ancient Corinth winds up
Írán: Iran's Bam citadel off 'World Heritage in Danger' list

17. 6. 2013:
Anglie: Stonehenge roadworks finished six months late
Polsko: 7,000 year old flint mines discovered in Poland
Řecko: Ancient theatre in Crete comes to light
Honduras/Kambodža: Laser archaeology uncovers ancient city lost for over 1000 years
USA: For Its Latest Beer, a Craft Brewer Chooses an Unlikely Pairing: Archaeology / Cleveland Brewery Recreates Sumerian Beer

15. 6. 2013
Anglie: Maryport Roman temples excavation starts onsite
Turecko: Byzantine basilica comes to life in Bursa
Kambodža: Lost medieval city found in Cambodia
Bulharsko: Perperikon dig to begin on schedule

14. 6. 2013
Německo: Medieval Leprosy Genome shows History of Disease and beyond
Turecko: 3,500-year-old house unearthed in central Turkey

13. 6. 2013
Anglie: Excavations begin on Roman Temple at Maryport
Afghánistán: Erasing the History of Buddhist Afghanistan One Mine at a Time

12. 6. 2013
Afghánistán/Česká republika: Národní muzeum chystá unikátní výstavu afghánských vykopávek
Dánsko: Unique gold figurine of naked woman found in Denmark
Anglie: European Music Archaeology Project
Normanské ostrovy: Jersey hoard is 'world's largest' Celtic coin discovery
Srbsko: Serbia: ancient tombs discovered from 2,500 years ago - Remains of warriors with spears and daggers
Sibiř: Ancient Siberians may have rarely hunted mammoths: Study suggests Stone Age folk sporadically killed the beasts, primarily for ivory
Uzbekistán: Ancient burial site found in Bukhara

11. 6. 2013
Island: Archeological Find: A Thousand Year Old Church / 1,000-Year-Old Remains Unearthed in Iceland
Anglie: Modern humans settled India no earlier than 60,000 years ago
Austrálie/Anglie: Study dates arrival of humans in Asia / Modern Humans Did Not Settle in Asia Before Eruption of Sumatra Volcano 74,000 Years Ago, Study Finds
Anglie: Kulturerbe: Die Archäologie des Techno
USA: Were Prehistoric Cave Painters High On Hallucinogenic Plants?

10. 6. 2013
Estonsko: The First Vikings. Two remarkable ships may show that the Viking storm was brewing long before their assault on England and the continent / Is the Period of the Vikings older than what believed / The First Vikings (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Itálie/Německo: Ötzi the Iceman's Dark Secrets: Protein Investigation Supports Brain Injury Theory / The Iceman Suffered Brain Damage Before Death
Ötzis »dunkle« Geheimnisse
Turecko: 21st excavation soon to begin in Çatalhöyük
Turecko: Ancient Perge ready to open for visitors

9. 6. 2013
Mali (Azawad): Timbuktu damage more extensive – but will be restored

8. 6. 2013
Afrika/Anglie: Beachcombing for early humans in Africa

7. 6. 2013
Turecko: Excavations to begin in ancient Sebastapolis
Anglie: The Archaeology News Network  Prehistoric henge unearthed in Kent
USA: Arrowhead fragment found in Macedonian warrior

6. 6. 2013
Irsko/USA: Medieval Irish Annals Assist Modern Scientists
Řecko: The Acropolis becomes digitally accessible
Chorvatsko: 120,000-year-old tumour found in Neanderthal rib / Rakovinu měli už neandrtálci, ukázal nález
Kazachstán: Beheaded skeleton discovered next to Saka princess's tomb

5. 6. 2013
Čína: New Fossils Push Primate Evolution Back 8 Million Years / Oldest primate skeleton unveiled / Kolébka vyšších primátů se přesunula do Asie
Anglie: Mass immigration was a grave concern for Bronze Age Britons: Archaeologists discover 3,000-year-old burial site is filled mainly by Europeans
Bronze Age burials in Kent mainly Europeans
Anglie: Viking Torksey: Inside the Great Army’s winter camp
Španělsko: Tracking in caves: on the trail of pre-historic man
Kanada: New North America Viking Voyage Discovered
Irák: Iraq to restore the ancient Iranian palace of Khosrow to woo back tourists

4. 6. 2013
Anglie: Eight bronze age boats surface at Fens creek in record find
Anglie: Work starts to preserve Bronze Age log boats

3. 6. 2013
Wales: Roman camp, medieval cemetery unearthed in Wales
Francie: New evidence for beginnings of viniculture in France / Earliest Archaeological Evidence of Winemaking in France Discovered / Tracing the origins of French viniculture / Tradice pěstování vína přišla do Francie od Etrusků, míní vědci
Kazachstán: Saka princess tomb found in Kazakhstan

31. 5. 2013
Indie: Archaeological plundering in India getting worrisome

30. 5. 2013
Skotsko: Digital Dwelling at Skara Brae

29. 5. 2013
Rusko: Mamutí krev zvyšuje šance na naklonování
Německo: Thousands of Greek antiquities repatriated from Germany. 8,000 pottery fragments illegally excavated during Second World War / German museum to return looted Greek artefacts
Egypt: Iron in Egyptian relics came from space Meteorite impacts thousands of years ago may have helped to inspire ancient religion / Ancient Egyptians accessorized with meteorites
Austrálie: Were the African coins found in Australia from a wrecked Arab dhow?

28. 5. 2013
Francie: Archaeologists find underground medieval refuge
Mexiko: How the internet is fast unravelling mysteries of the Mayan script

27. 5. 2013
Indie: A discovery that changed the antiquity of humankind who lived in Indian subcontinent

26. 5. 2013
Anglie: Britské muzeum prodloužilo výstavu s Věstonickou venuší
Egypt: Chinese Tourist Damages 3000-Year-Old Temple in Luxor / Chinese Tourist Vandalizes Egyptian Temple, Pisses Off China

25. 5. 2013
Anglie: Bronze Age boat reconstruction is altering archaeologists' view of era
Wales: Clear evidence of Roman road in North Wales

24. 5. 2013
Německo: Archäologe für einen Tag

23. 5. 2013
Irsko: The Early Bronze Age Bog Body from Cashel Bog, Co. Laois, Europe’s Oldest Bog Body
Řecko: Neanderthal Fossils Uncovered in Coastal Greek Cave

22. 5. 2013
Řecko: Forensic examination of an ancient Greek warrior / Rare Finding of Ancient Greek Warrior
Belgie: Baby Neanderthal Breast-Fed for 7 Months / Elements in Baby Teeth Reveal Breast-Feeding History
USA: Obrovský výbuch komety či meteoritu zpečetil osud mamutů i lidí

21. 5. 2013
Bahrajn: Bahrain digs unveil one of oldest civilisations
Řecko: Ancient theatre of Messene re-opens after 1,700 years
USA: Mummified Man, Bundled Baby Change View of Ancient Burials in Texas
Mexiko: Villagers discover ancient ball game statue in Mexico

20. 5. 2013
Británie: Who invented clothes? A Palaeolithic archaeologist answers
Afghánistán: Race to save Afghanistan's Buddhist treasuresAfghan archaeology site faces rocky future
Austrálie: When Did Humans Begin Hurling Spears?
Austrálie: Coins key to rewriting the history of Australia / Austrálii objevili muslimští mořeplavci, naznačuje nález staré mince

18. 5. 2013
Skotsko: Archaeologist claims to have located site of Roman battle
Libanon (a Sýrie): Lebanon busts network smuggling Syrian antiquities

17. 5.. 2013
Čína: Ancient diet find could shatter ideas of how agriculture emerged
Skotsko: Isle of Iona may be ancient burial site
Anglie: Saxon skeletons unearthed near Stonehenge

16. 5. 2013
Dánsko: Viking-era coins unearthed by Danish teenager
USA: Battle Wounds: Never Pull an Arrow Out of a Body

15. 5. 2013
Španělsko: Neanderthal culture: Old masters / Were Neanderthals Capable of Abstract Thought?

14. 5. 2013
Belize: Mayskou pyramidu proměnily buldozery v silnici / Ancient Mayan pyramid destroyed by construction company in Belize / Fine for destruction of ancient Mayan pyramid? $5,000
Anglie: Prehistoric and Roman remains rewrite history of the Tees estuary
Řecko: Mysterious Minoans Were European, DNA Finds

13. 5. 2013
Španělsko: Stars Aligned at Ancient Tomb in Spain
USA: Early hominins couldn't have heard modern speech
Turecko: Heavy equipment damages Yenikapı excavation site

6. 5. 2013
Británie: Před 15 000 lety mluvila Evropa i Asie stejným jazykem / Ultraconserved words point to deep language ancestry across Eurasia / Before Babel? Ancient Mother Tongue Reconstructed

2. 5. 2013
Polsko: Unique workshop of Palaeolithic hunters discovered in Silesia
Egypt: Moře vydává poklady egyptské "Atlantidy"

29. 4. 2013
Dánsko: Archeologists burn pigs to investigate historical mystery

28. 4. 2013
Řecko: Mykénskou civilizaci srazilo na kolena zemětřesení, soudí vědci

25. 4. 2013:
USA: Nadváha? To je setrvačnost návyků zděděných z pravěku

24. 4. 2013
Austrálie/Německo: Vedci objavili záhadu Európanov: Dávni obyvatelia Európy záhadne zmizli niekedy pred štyritisíc rokmi / Evropa prodělala před 4500 lety překvapivou genetickou revoluci / Modern Europe's Genetic History Starts in Stone Age

21. 4. 2013
Dánsko: Time to revise our view of Viking ships?

20. 4. 2013
Anglie: Newly-discovered 12th century recipes to be recreated

17. 4. 2013
Slovensko: Letecky skúmajú aj Val obrov
Izrael: Na dně Galilejského jezera stojí podivný pozůstatek dávných dob / Tajemná megalitická stavba na dně Galilejského jezera vyvolává otazníky

16. 4. 2013
Norsko: Stone Age children helped in tool production

14. 4. 2013
Turecko: Archaeologists Find a Classic Entrance to Hell

13. 4. 2013
Anglie:  Archaeologists Analyze Carvings on Easter Island Statue

9. 4. 2013
Anglie: 'Entire streets' of Roman London uncovered in the City
Itálie: Ötzi hatte schlechte Zähne

4. 4. 2013
Francie: Novým šéfem Louvru je archeolog Martinez. Ovládá osm jazyků.

31. 3. 2013
Ukrajina/Rusko: THE BATTLE OF THE RIVER THATIS – PART I Scythians, Sarmatians and Greeks struggling in the Cimmerian Bosporus & THE BATTLE OF THE RIVER THATIS – PART II Scythians, Sarmatians and Greeks struggling in the Cimmerian Bosporus

30. 3. 2013
Mexiko: V Mexiku byla objevena 1 000 let stará hřiště na míčové hry

28. 3. 2013
Wales: Snowy landscape reveals Wales' forgotten ancient remains / Sníh odkryl dávné památky

27. 3. 2013
Polsko: 3D reconstruction of medieval Nieszawa

23. 3. 2013
Írán/USA: Nearly 3,000 Years Later But Right On Time: Cyrus Cylinder Makes U.S. Debut
Irsko: The Waterford Knife

22. 3. 2013
Egypt: Giza 3D Travel Guide: The G 2100 Family Tomb Complex

21. 3. 2013
Norsko: Pre-Viking tunic found on glacier as warming trend aids archaeology
Německo: Vědci rozluštili genom neandrtálce ve vysoké kvalitě

16. 3. 2013
Κυρμιληνός – The God of Beer
Irsko: A Mesolithic cemetery: Ireland’s oldest burials
Egypt: Hyksos buildings are the latest ancient discovery in Tel Habuwa

14. 3. 2013
Anglie: Neandrtálci možná vyhynuli kvůli příliš velkým očím

13. 3. 2013
Peru: Těžké stroje ničí linie na planině Nazca (Heavy machinery destroys Nazca lines)

12. 3. 2013
Súdán: ROZHOVOR: Objev českých egyptologů odhaluje, jak se žilo v Africe, když Sahara nebyla ještě pouští

11. 3. 2013
Anglie: Kingsmead Quarry dig unearths Neolithic settlement
Izrael:  Bronze Age donkey ritual burial in Israel

10. 3. 2013
Itálie: 7,000 BC: The dawn of cinema brought to life
Rusko: Stone Age cartoons

9. 3. 2013
Anglie: Stonehenge býval pohřebištěm pro vlivné rodiny, tvrdí vědci

8. 3. 2013
Anglie: York Minster discoveries shine light on period between Romans and Vikings

7. 3. 2013
Francie: Našli jsme bájnou navigační pomůcku Vikingů, tvrdí francouzští vědci

6. 3. 2013
Súdán: Čeští egyptologové objevili v Súdánu jedno z největších pohřebišť. Je staré 8 až 10 tisíc let / Největší pravěké pohřebiště objevili čeští egyptologové v Súdánu

5. 3. 2013
Súdán: Pohřebiště lovců zapadlo v čase a hrozí mu Nil. Češi ho ale našli dřív
Írán: Iran completes first phase of mapping of archaeological sites
Dánsko: Flight of the Valkyrie: the Viking figurine that's heading for Britain

4. 3. 1203
Řecko: Homer’s great literary masterpieces dated by study of Greek language evolution

26. 2. 2013
Rusko (Kabardsko-balkarská republika): V Rusku objevili ostatky vzácného mamuta

25. 2. 2013
Británie: To claim someone has 'Viking ancestors' is no better than astrology

21. 2. 2013
Panenské ostrovy: Na Amerických Panenských ostrovech našli skládku starou až 1 500 let

20. 2. 2013
Norsko: Frosty time machine coughs up arrowheads

19. 2. 2013
Peru: Machu Picchu bylo zřejmě pohřebištěm velkého Inky. Pohřební komoru objevil obyčejný turista

18. 2. 2013
Kanada/Grǿnsko: The Vinland Map: Greenland is Baffin Island

8. 2. 2013
Největší archeologické podvody v dějinách: mumie, lebky i Věstonická venuše
Somálsko: A guided tour of Laas Gaal's mysterious Neolithic rock art

7. 2. 2013
Velká Británie: Umění doby ledové v Britském muzeu pamatuje mamuty. Nechybí ani naše Věstonická venuše

31. 1. 2013 & 1. 2. 2013
Súdán: Archeologická expedice Národního muzea objevila v Súdánu vzácné sousoší a unikátní oltář / Úspěch českých archeologů: ze Súdánu přivezou sochy božstev a složí je / Archeologové Národního muzea odkryli vzácný núbijský oltář

22. 1. 2013
USA: Polynesian seafarers discovered America long before Europeans, says DNA study / Sweet potato DNA indicates early Polynesians traveled to South America

19. 1. 2013
Írán: Qasr-e Shirin, a crossroads of Civilizations

15. 1. 2013
Austrálie: Do Austrálie tisíce let před Evropany připluli Indové, zjistili vědci

13. 1. 2013
Arménie: Vědci objevili nejstarší vinařství na světě. První víno se vyrábělo již před 6100 lety

7. 1. 2013
Řecko: Archaeologists unearth more than 300 prehistoric clay figurines in Greece

4. 1. 2013
Dánsko:Stone Age hunters liked their carbs

1. 1. 2013
Turecko: Roman gravestone in mosque

I. 2013
Írán: An Analysis of a Persian Archery manuscript written by Kapur Čand


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